Sikkim is one of Beautiful states of India. OikoEssence conducted a nature camp during April, 2018. We are glad to share the sightings of the same.
Includes lots of Rhodendrone spp. such as
Rhododendrone arboreum, Rhododendron capanulatum;
crolarias, bamboos etc. April is the time when rhododendrones bloom in plenty and it is an amazing experience to observe gloom in such a large quantity.
Western Centaur Oakblue
Common jester
Indian Oakblue
Purple sapphire
Common peacock
Red lacewing
Sikkim Hill Jezebel
Common Lascar
Other Insects
Black headed skimmer
March fly
Crematogaster ants
Honey Bee
Hower fly
Spittle bug
Satyr tragopan
Lathami khalij
Indian Peafowl
Spangled drongo
Asian barred owlet
Indian roller
Grey hornbill
Blue rock thrush
Greater golden back
Gold naped Finch
Green magie
Green tailed sunbird
Oriental white eye
Himalayan bulbul
White capped Red start
Rufuous gorgeted flycatcher
Russet sparrow
House sparrow
White tailed nuthatch
Striated laughing thrush
Crimson sunbird
Rufuous breasted bush robbin
Black bulbul
Whiskered yuhina
Great tit
Fire breasted flower pecker
White browed fulvetta
Blue rock pigeon
Grey winged black bird
Blue fronted redstart
Scarlet minivet
Indian robbin
Little pied flycatcher
Verditer flycatcher
White collared black bird
Snow pigeon
Brown flanked bush warbler
Grey hooded warbler
Bar throated siva
Olive-backed pipit
Chestnut-crowned laughing thrush
Brown-throated treecreeper
Crested serpent eagle
Large hawk cuckoo
Barn Swallow
Eurasian tree sparrow
Blue winged minla
Red tailed minla
Grey Wagtail
Rufous breasted bush robin
Rufous sibia
Great Barbet
Grey breasted prinia
Speckled wood pigeon
Barred cuckoo dove
White bellied drongo
Black drongo
Hoary bellied Himalayan squirrel
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